
What are the benefits of Workshop Chat vs ChatGPT/ClaudeAI

Why using chat in Novelcrafter is superior for your novel.

1 min read Last updated Jan 15, 2025

You may have started your AI journey using ChatGPT, ClaudeAI, or one of the many other AI Chatbots. These are a great place to start, but you may wonder what the benefit of using chat within Novelcrafter is, over using another platform.

Chat within Novelcrafter is powerful. With just a few clicks, you can:

  • Add a scene, your outline, or even the entire novel as context to your chat.
  • Mention a codex entry by name or one of its aliases, and the entire codex entry is now context!
  • Switch prompts or models within the same chat.
  • Extract the information directly into your codex, plan, or as beats.

You also don’t need to manage or constantly re-upload your knowledge to a service. With Novelcrafter your Codex and Scenes can be edited without needing to refresh the AI’s memory.