What started in 2023 as a one-person passion project has since grown into a bootstrapped company full of spirited storytellers.
No fancy venture capital here - just grit and determination.
We believe the status quo of bringing ideas to market is too fragmented, convoluted, and expensive for the average person. While anyone can technically pick up a free writing app and get started, most stories never see the light of day.
Our vision is simple:
A world where everyone can easily tell and share their stories.
How are we making that happen? By building tools that take you from "what if" to "the end" and beyond. Whether English isn't your first language or your brain works a little differently.
At Novelcrafter, we're making writing accessible to everyone:
We come from all corners of the world, and work 100% remote.
Founder and Developer
As the founder and initial creator of Novelcrafter, Leonie is responsible for the design and main development of the platform. In her free time she works on her own writing in the fantasy genre.
Education and AI
Corey is our resident AI researcher and creator liaison. As a published author, he also assists Kate in the live streams and develops lessons and courses for writers wanting to hone their craft.
Education and Support
The accidental "face" of Novelcrafter, Kate is the first port of call when facing questions about using the software or wanting nifty tricks. When not working on Novelcrafter she is writing… with Novelcrafter.
The visual wizard behind the magic of storytelling. He stacks the frames, sorts the pixels and crafts the games. Besides Novelcrafter, he's building modular synthesizers and interactive installations.
When she's not working on improving the status quo or adding new features, she nerds out over audio books and Diablo campaigns.
The resident linguist and copy editor who makes sure our editorial content is polished, poetic, and easy to read. Though a master of words at Novelcrafter, he masters dungeons on the side.
Office Pupper
Loves attention. And scratches. She also snoops into meetings at times. The cutest office assistant ever, and we will fight anyone who disagrees.