
The Plan Interface

We will explore how to plan your novel using the powerful features of Novelcrafter’s plan section

1 min read Last updated Jan 24, 2025

The plan section is a plotter’s dream come true (and pretty helpful for everyone else too ;) ).

If you have imported a novel, the interface will be populated with your chapters, however if you have started a new novel, it will be blank, as seen in the image below.

Quick Guide

Overview of the plan interface

  1. Change the view. This is grid by default, with the option to select matrix or outline.
  2. Keyword search. Search by mentions in summaries, contents, labels and codex entries (names and aliases).
  3. Change the appearance of the interface (height, width, etc).
  4. Add acts to your novel.
  5. Create an outline from preset structures or your own preferred plotting method.
  6. Import. A second chance to bring in a pre-written novel/part of a novel, or scene summaries.
  7. Actions Menu.