Getting started with Novelcrafter
Here you'll find all the important links and guides to get started, whether from scratch, with existing content, and more.
This page serves as a general overview and hub for the various features Novelcrafter has to offer and answers to commonly asked questions during your trial.
Creating a novel
Starting from scratch
Most people start in Novelcrafter with a blank canvas. Except for entering a book title, this is a fairly straight forward process, and you can adjust these any settings anytime afterwards. Once the novel has been created, you’ll be presented with the main Novelcrafter interface.
Importing a document
In case you already got a draft/manuscript, you can use the novel importer. We currently support popular formats like Word (.docx), Markdown (.md) and HTML (.html). Before confirming the import, you’ll get a little preview of what the system was able to read.
Learn about Importing
The Novelcrafter interface
If you’ve never used a novel writing app before, the interface might feel unfamiliar to you. Remember that you don’t need to use everything Novelcrafter has to offer right away. You can go at your own pace and try things out as you need them.
The Plan section is where you can organize your acts, chapters and scenes. If you’ve never worked with such a hierarchy before, don’t worry: You can put all your chapters in the same act without issue.
Learn about Plan
The Write Interface is where you edit your manuscript. If you are familiar with Word or Google Docs, you’ll be right at home.
Learn about write
The Workshop Chat is Novelcrafter’s interface for talking to the AI. If you don’t plan on using AI, you can skip this. However, it has some powerful features to make your life and brainstorming easier.
Learn about the Chat
The Review page shows you your total word count, and other statistics at a glance.
I don’t know what XYZ means
In case you’re coming across terms and would like to know more or get an explainer, we prepared a Glossary of all the terms used in writing, the app and AI features:
Open Glossary